Thursday 6 March 2014

Tips and Advice 

Non- verbal communication, especially body language can send a strong message in general; in spite of what words you are saying. We can avoid any misunderstandings by:
  • Minimizing potential misunderstandings 
  • Understanding their audience
  • Seek out feedback from the reciever(s) 
    • How the message is understood and attempt to correct any misunderstandings or confusions through
    • Clarifications and reflection


  1. Smile
  2. Maintain eye contact. 
  3. Stand straight and tall. 
  4. Don't fold your arms! This shows defiance and/or defensiveness. 
  5. Don't fidget (twirl your hair, tap your foot, etc.). This usually indicates restlessness or nervousness.  
  6. If you are enthusiastic about a topic, you can gesticulate to express your energy. A lively person is more likely to grab attention. You don't have to wave your arms like a spaz, but look engaged.


How Non- Verbal Communication can be Ineffective?

It is very important to make sure that the receiver is understanding and knowing what is being "said" to them in order for them to give a clear response and gradually become of interest in the conversation. So how can non- verbal communication be ineffective, you might ask?  

  • Not received exactly the way the sender intended 
  • Some people find it difficult to express their thoughts and emotions clearly or completely limit off (taboo) their emotions
  • Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver 
  • Differences in perception and viewpoint
Remember, make them feel like a priority! poor communication skills can damage all your relationships. This can affect your performance at work, your self-confidence and your physical health. Being genuinely interested in what the person is "saying", builds a stronger bond.

Friday 28 February 2014

Signs & Symbols 

Non- verbal communication is more then just interactions between two or more people, is also includes signs and symbols which sometimes helps us on a daily basis whether it be with people or for our own understandings.


Signs are a more mechanical kind of non- verbal communication, which includes signal flags or lights, a stop sign, horns, sirens, "no- smoking", etc.

FACT: Approximately 80% of our communication is non- verbal, according to experts
 in the field!


Symbols of communication are used for religious or personal status reasons. This includes jewelry, cars, clothing, and other things to communicate social status, financial means, influence, or religion.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Physical Appearance  

Imagine being the manager of a fashion magazine who is searching for someone to recruit into your business. Two people come into you office for an interview for the position of a sales representative. John comes in wearing a suit, well groomed, a great look overall. Bob who comes in late, unprofessionally dressed, and is in a very grumpy mood, already loses your interest in hiring him. Which would you prefer as a potential employee? 

"Quality Is More Important Than Quantity"

Physical appearance is a personal type of non- verbal communication which includes, facial expressions, the clothes we wear, and all sorts of other factors affecting appearance. First impressions are very important! According to what people see when they first set their eyes on you, judgment about your personality and abilities are going to be concluded.

In some countries, color psychology is used to identify or determine a persons "appearance". If someone wears black, this might indicate mourning or gloomy feelings. Bright colors indicate happiness and peace.

Physical appearance can also increase an individuals confidence. When one wears appropriate clothes and generally "looks good", he/she will definitely feel good about himself/herself. Like they say, when you look good, you feel good! 

"Bad Hair Day?"

Thursday 30 January 2014

What Is Non Verbal Communication?

Communication is simply the act of transmitting information; including thoughts, ideas, and emotions from one place to another. One of the processes directed to interpersonal communication would be non- verbal skills.

Non- Verbal Communication

We use it everyday, and sometimes we don't even realize it. Non- Verbal communication has made a big impact in our daily interactions towards individuals we socialize with. This particular way of communication involves nothing but body language, physical appearance, gestures, aesthetics, signs and symbols, and even our SCENT.
"It's Not Said, It's Done"
Body Language 

We always want to look engaged in the conversations we are sharing with others or when listening to someones information. Whether you take notice to your own body motions or not, it is very likely to take place. Slouching for example or losing eye contact is never the best look during conversations; this just shows the speaker that you are not interested or focused in what they could be talking about and that they might be tiring you. It is important to give complete attention and eye contact to whom ever is speaking, in order to show your interest and is also a sign of respect. Along with body language, a persons tone of voice shows how they could be feeling towards ones thoughts and opinions or even there own emotions. How many times can we say we've done that? I know when I'm happy, I usually talk in an enthustiastic tone of voice rather than a low tone of voice when I'm grumpy or mad. How do you use body language?